
Join me on the road

to adventure


I discovered my passion for trucking in early 2019 when I sat down in a restaurant with my best friend on my birthday. After telling him my pity story, he asked me:

Why don't you learn how to drive an 18-wheeler?

My life was never the same after that day. ↓↓↓

the world of

Viktor Timewolf

Join me on the road of adventure, where I weave stories of trucking, travel, and tasty meals. I'm sharing my stories from travelling around the world and the amazing stories of the people I visit and meet.

I want to help everyone navigate their life in a better stream. If you are stuck and don’t know how to stop drowning - my YouTube channel is for you. I provide solutions that will benefit you in the long term.

Do you want to change your life?

I love Food!

I am on the Search to try everything

THAT THE world could offer me!

  • Nick A

    Viktor, helped me tap into my creative side that gave me confidence to create my own YouTube channel using my artwork and has become a friend that tells me the truth when I don’t want to hear it, which is refreshing in a world where people can have a tendency to run from their problems , not face them.

  • Sean Ficken

    Viktor has solid advice which I have been using to grow my Youtube channel to over 9400 subscribers in 7 months, His thumbnail advice has gotten me two videos that are over 10k views and counting. If you want to take your YouTube game to the next level, you should take his advice.

  • AlgoCowboy

    Dear Viktor:

    Thank you for your guidance on Youtube channel building. I have been actively trying to build my YouTube channel since January and it's been hit and miss. I was happy to get 50 views on a video. While I was learning, I wasn't building fast enough.

    Spending just a handful of webinars with you has given me some very easy, fast tweaks that have yielded the following results:

    1) CTR is up almost 100%, which is huge. I was at 3.5% lifetime and I'm at over 5% consistently over the last month AND I'm now up over 6.6% in the last 7 days.

    2) My SMALLER videos are all approaching 100 views and I regularly am now getting videos that are in the multiple hundreds

    3) The tweaks you suggested have yielded me my first video that broke 2300 views in 2 days. For a newer channel like mine, that's phenomenal

    4) Since I added those new tweaks last week, my new subs have gone up from maybe 1 per day to an average of over 10 per day, which is PHENOMENAL. I'm literally growing 10 times as fast as I was before.

    And I haven't even done half of what you have told me due to time constraints. I look forward to more from you, brother. Thanks


Do you want to be better? Going on the trip of knowledge? You’ll still need a GPS to guide you to your destination.

My journey brought me around the globe where I gathered knowledge from events, books, coaches and successful people. I possess vast insight into different aspects of life and can show the path that may lead to a better outcome in specific situations.

I provide professional Guidance for people wanting to excel in life, relationships, and finances. Together we can get you on track to a greater life and better goal for your dream future!